Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Extinct Animals Part 2

         A lot of animals in ancient animal who could not we see today. Here, I will tell some of the animals are already extinct and the information. 

Turanian Tiger, Caspian Tiger
Caspian Tigers lived in China, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey.  They were hunted for their furs and to protect livestock.  A ban on hunting the Caspian Tiger in the USSR in 1947 followed their greatest destruction in the 1930s.  The last Caspian Tiger reported shot was in 1957.

Steller's Sea Cow
Steller's Sea Cow was discovered in the Aleutian Islands by George Steller while exploring with Vitus Bering in 1741. They grew as large as 35 feet long and weighed up to three-and-a-half tons.    Sailors ate their meat and used their leather.  They were easily killed and vanished from their only home within 30 years after Steller's discovery.

Spectacled Cormorant, Pallas' Cormorant
Also discovered in the Aleutian Islands by George Steller while exploring with Vitus Bering in 1741.  The Spectacled Cormorant was extinct within about a century.

Dodo, Roland Savery
In 1505, Portuguese explorers discovered the island of Mauritius and the 50 lb flightless Dodos which supplemented their food stores.  Imported pigs, monkeys and rats fed on the Dodo's eggs in their ground nests.  The last Dodo was killed in 1681.

Irish Deer
Herds of the Giant Irish Deer lived in Europe and Ireland during the late Pleistocene until about 10,000 or 11,000 years ago.  It stood six feet high at its shoulders, the size of Moose, and its broad antlers spanned ten feet.

Cave Bear
The Cave Bear lived in Europe during the Pleistocene (1.8 million years ago to 11,000 years ago) from 500,000 years ago until 10,000 years ago.  Their remains have been found in caves where they lived and early humans left their drawings on cave walls.  When upright, they stood 12 feet tall.

Saber Tooth Tiger
Saber tooth tigers lived in Europe and North America.  They were fast runners for short distances and probably ambushed their prey in packs.  The Hoplophoneus species lived 20 million years ago.  The Smilodon species lived during the Pleistocene from 1.6 million years ago to 10,000 years ago when it became extinct. 

Cave Lion
Cave Lions were the largest cat that ever lived, larger than modern day lions, almost 5 feet tall at the shoulder. Paintings of  have been found in caves of Europe and Asia, and even an ivory sculpture.  Some migrated to North America 100,000 years ago.  They became extinct around 10,000 years ago.

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